We support the artists and entrepreneurs of Mathare. Contact us if we can help you promote your work.

Musicians and Dancers

Nairobeez – Music group and local tour guides

Billian Music Family – Mathare record label nurturing young local talents

The Billian Music Family (B.M.F.) is a non-governmental, non-political, non-religious organization based in Mathare Slums. The organization came into existence two years ago to tap and nurture potential talents in Mathare and its environs. 

Currently, we have 25 members who are between the ages of 8 to 15 years. The organization was founded by Billian Okoth, a performing artist, after he realized that there was a pool of talents that either went to the drain or was left untapped. He saw the need to nurture these talents and to provide space to further their dreams. 

B.M.F is managed by Titus Kuria, a professional neo-media designer and a community leader involved in a couple of initiatives in the Mathare slums with further support from Geoffrey Andare, an IT specialist. The group has already reached considerable achievements like recording music videos for the kids, performing in big platforms like the UN during the World Habitat Day and improved self-esteem and self-responsibility of the children, given the short time it has been in existence. Also, we have set up a scholarship programme for the very needy but bright students.

The initiative is run by young professionals in different fields who intend to give back to the community as much as the community has given to them. B.M.F. designs and executes programmes that not only keep the children busy but also encourages them to exploit their talents, improve their leadership ability and most importantly, encourage them as well to give back to the community. Find the Billian Music Family on Facebook

Writers, Poets and Songwriters

Some of the many poems written by the Mathare Poet .

Visual Artists, Painters, Graffiti Artists

Volunteer with the Mathare Artists and Entrepreneurs Collective

Like so many great artists and musicians in history, many of the residents of mathare use art to channel the frustrations from their daily struggles into something beautiful. Art provides not only an outlet, but also teaches a skill, makes someone part of a community, and provides employment opportunities.

If you are an artist or an art teacher of any art form, there are many opportunities to both teach and to learn from the people of Mathare. Contact MaSCA if you would like to get involved!